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Pashinyan Hosts France-Armenia Friendship Group

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received a delegation led by Gilbert-Luc Devinaz, Head of the France-Armenia Friendship Group of the French Senate.

Pashinyan welcomed the delegation's visit to Armenia and praised its contribution to the development and strengthening of the Armenian-French relations.

Pashinyan said the legislative and executive bodies of the two countries cooperate closely, to which the friendship group has a great contribution. "Your visits to our country give a great and positive impetus to the continuous strengthening of the Armenian-French partnership," Pashinyan said.

Gilbert-Luc Devinaz thanked Pashinyan for the warm reception, emphasizing that in the future efforts will be directed to the development of bilateral partnership.

"We will continue to stand by Armenia and Artsakh”, Gilbert-Luc Devinaz said, recalling that the resolution of the French Senate calling to recognise Artsakh's independence received wide support from the senators.

Pashinyan noted the resolution adopted by the Senate has a huge political significance, which gives great strength and confidence in the context of international recognition of the rights of the Armenians of Artsakh.

During the meeting, the sides touched upon issues related to the return of Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other civilians held in Azerbaijan, the situation around Nagorno Karabakh, humanitarian issues, as well as issues related to the development of democracy in Armenia.

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