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Pashinyan Encourages Dutch Investors to Come to Armenia

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan, now on an official visit to the Netherlands, today visited the office of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers in The Hague, where he met with representatives of the local business community.

Ingrid Thijssen, Director of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, noted that local businessmen are interested in cooperation with Armenia, and they are ready to discuss investment opportunities in various fields in Armenia.

Pashinyan, according to a statement released by his office, noted that he is glad to start his working day in The Hague with a meeting with businessmen and to talk about the economic opportunities and attractiveness of Armenia to Dutch investors.

Pashinyan said Armenia is undergoing reforms for the development of democratic institutions, with the support of the European Union, aimed at ensuring favorable conditions for investment.

Pashinyan said his administration is interested in achieving regional stability in order to attract investors to Armenia.

He spoke about the North-South Road construction program and emphasized the need for outside cooperation in the fields of agriculture, high technologies, education, industry and tourism.

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