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Armen Mirzoyan

Preparations Underway for Second Meeting of South Caucasus 3+3 Format

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko, according to TASS, today said that preparations are underway for the second meeting of the 3+3 consultative South Caucasus platform (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia plus Russia, Iran, Turkey) format. 

Rudenko told TASS that the meeting is scheduled by the end of the first half of this year. 

When asked about prospects for unblocking economic and transport links in the region, Rudenko said Moscow backs talks between the parties to achieve cooperation on issues of common interest.

“As for the unblocking of transport and economic ties, this is being done by a specialized trilateral working group co-chaired by the vice-premiers of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia,” Rudenko said.

He added that much work has been done in this direction and that he expects a speedy adoption of a decision that will allow the parties to start implementing   projects in the region.

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