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Armenian, Iranian Parliament Speakers Meet in Tehran

A delegation led by Armenian National Assembly Speaker Alen Simonyan today, in Tehran, met with Iranian Majlis Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.

The sides, according to a statement released by Simonyan’s office, discussed expanding parliamentary relations between the two countries and promoting economic ties.

Ghalibaf said the two parliaments should support the opening of the Iran-Armenia railway and highway roads and the creation of related infrastructure.

Touching upon talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ghalibaf said Iran’s position remains the preservation of the territorial integrity of the two countries and the establishment of lasting peace.

At a press conference following the meeting, Simonyan said he raised the question of Armenian POWs still held by Azerbaijan and the existence of Azerbaijani troops on Armenian territory.

“We highly appreciate Iran's position on the territorial integrity of Armenia and the inviolability of its borders,” Simonyan said.

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