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United States Grants $120 Million to Armenia to Strengthen Democracy, Economic Stability

The United States will allocate a $120 million grant to Armenia to strengthen democratic values ​​and economic stability.

Armenian Deputy PM Mher Grigoryan and USAID Mission Director to Armenia John Allelo signed the five-year deal in Yerevan today.

“"On behalf of the government, I would like to thank Armenia for its support, emphasizing that the directions set by the agreement are of great importance for overcoming the economic challenges facing Armenia in this difficult period, ensuring sustainable development and strengthening democracy in the country," Grigoryan remarked according to a statement released by his office.

“The United States remains committed to supporting Armenia in its democratic and economic reforms," ​​said Allelo.

According to the statement, the agreement is aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the public administration system, strengthening local government capacity, as well as participatory and inclusive electoral and political processes and the rule of law.

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