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Russian Peacekeepers Ban Hovannisian from Entering Artsakh, Says Heritage Party

Armenia’s Heritage party says Russian peacekeepers banned Raffi Hovannissian, the party’s founder, from entering Artsakh to attend the baptism of his grandson in Stepanakert last night.

The party, in a statement, says the peacekeepers didn’t specify why they were banning Hovannisian from entering Artsakh.

According to the party, the peacekeepers said the ban might have come from the top echelons of the government in Yerevan.

The statement claims Artsakh government officials, who unsuccessfully tried to overturn the ban, did not rule out the possible involvement of Baku in the matter.

"The cowardice of the person behind the obviously wrongful directive shows us the most likely direction of the person responsible for this self-proclaimed corruption. It can be only one person, the failed leader, who, for the sake of real regional peace and security, should leave together with his xenophobic neighbor," the party’s statement quotes Hovannisian as remarking.

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