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Armenia's Opposition 'Hayastan' Faction to Boycott Parliament

Armenia’s parliamentary opposition Hayastan (Armenia) faction says it will boycott upcoming fall sessions and committees of the legislature, arguing that the parliament is controlled by the pro-government majority Civil Contract faction.

The Hayastan faction, in a statement released today, says Pashinyan’s government is imposing an agenda on the parliament that neglects the immediate dangers facing Armenia and Artsakh.

“As we have stated many times, our participation in parliamentary sessions is conditioned by the promotion of agendas that have received public support, namely the security of Armenia and Artsakh, the dismissal of the current authorities, and approval of a national-state roadmap for strengthening the country,” the statement reads.

The Hayastan faction argues the current government must be removed since it represents “the face of defeat and shame” and is unable to defend the interests of Armenia in negotiations with Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The minority Hayastan faction, together with the smaller With Honor faction, refused to participate in a February 2022 vote to select a new president and have announced they will not participate in a 2020 Artsakh war investigation commission.

Photo: Hayastan MPs at the start of the first session of the parliament’s eighth convocation. (Hetq archive).

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