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Narek Aleksanyan

Yerevan Protesters Demand Pashinyan’s Resignation

Thousands spontaneously gathered outside the National Assembly in Yerevan on September 14 demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The protest parallels fighting along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border.

Earlier that day, Pashinyan announced he is going to sign a document that will ensure lasting peace and security for Armenia in an area of 29,800 square kilometers.

“We want to sign a document, for which we can be criticized, insulted, called traitors. The people can even remove us from power. We will be even more satisfied if Armenia’s 29,800 square kilometers will get lasting peace and security. I say very clearly that I will sign any decision that will ensure this. I am not interested in what will happen to me afterwards. I am interested in what will happen to Armenia," Pashinyan said.


Comments (1)

I Think NIkol was going to sign in advance something just on a certain "table board" since apparently there was no "paper" to sign yet - A bad regime being replace with a regime which is even far worse than the pervious ones! A regime, like the one on the power is cable of any outrage actions since they will always point to the pervious regimes to justify there mistakes , there shortcoming, outrages and anti Armenian statements ! AND Nikol & CO are exactly doing these since coming to the power - without taking care of national interests ! - really guys enough- nation is tried of "your Facebook post" ! Unfortunately, we have seen this many times and this is already a common practice that PM Pashinyan and his followers make statements in parliament and in public and hours later go to “there loved Facebook” and try to justify what have they wanted to say and claiming apparently there words were “misinterpreted” by the media. Unfortunately we have a president who accepts when nation being chested or fooled by ruling elite- Parliament looks like more a “kindegarden”- far worse and uneducated than what we had in the past! - NO political culture at all Nicol, Allen & co better to not abuse the situation, people are aware that they have replaces a bad and corrupt regime with even one fare worse. At least the last regimes were able to defend the interests of Armenian and NK! As these school children on the power and sitting in Parliament even don't wana try. Nicol, Allen & co come out of Facebook! Neither the folk nor the solder at the front defending the boarder and your family are in “your Facebook” nor they wana be part of your imaginary folk and fake patriotism created in “your Facebook” … Majority of these ruling élite has no idea how to defend national interests because they are after confront and goo government paid jobs , business travel and of course cars- worth more $200 000, where in the past thee didnt have even a bicycle or like "Armaik" would prefer to use public transportations to fool nation !! Nicol, Allen & co come out of your Facebook, or you gus think who need "your so loved Facebook" to post or announce your next "correction" and "misinterpretation"

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