Paris City Council Condemns Azerbaijani Aggression Against Armenia
The Paris City Council (Le Conseil de Paris) today unanimously adopted a resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia and called on the French government to impose sanctions on the leaders of Azerbaijan.
Paris Deputy Mayor for Europe, International and Francophone Affairs Arno Ngacha, who introduced the resolution, told council members that Azerbaijan's goal is to seize territories from Armenia, to erase Armenia from the map, and eliminate all Armenian traces from Artsakh by displacing its population.
Ngacha described last month’s Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia targeting civilians and accused Azerbaijan of committing war crimes as evidenced by social network videos showing how Armenian POWs have been cruelly treated by their Azerbaijani captors.
“This extermination policy is ongoing, and Baku will not stop. We must not allow this war of conquest to continue, we must raise our voices for the sake of the survivors of the genocide, who chose France and Paris, for the sake of truth and justice, so that the Armenian people are not annihilated. Baku and its allies play on our indifference and sometimes our complacency,” Ngacha said.
Armenian Ambassador to France Hasmik Tolmajian and Coordinating Council of Armenian Organizations of France (CCAF) Co-Chairs Ara Toranian and Murd Papazian attended the session.
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