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Vardanyan to International Press: "We're Baku's hostages"

Artsakh State Minister Ruben Vardanyan, in a January 5 talk with Sveriges Radio (Sweden's publicly funded radio broadcaster,) said he wants the international community to organize a humanitarian airlift to bring food and other essential products to Artsakh.

Vardanyan refuted Baku’s claims that the people who have blocked the Lachin Corridor for the past three weeks are civilian eco-activists.

“How many environmental protests have taken place in Azerbaijan in the last decade?” Vardanyan asked, adding that nothing happens in Azerbaijan without the permission of the Aliyev regime.

Vardanyan told the Swedish broadcaster that Baku’s main goal is to empty Artsakh of its Armenian population.

Vardanyan, in a talk with the British Byline Times newspaper, described the shortages in Artsakh resulting from the Lachin Corridor closure.

“Twenty-four days we are into this blockade. We get a little bit of food from the Red Cross and Russian peacekeepers. But in reality, we don’t have basic foodstuffs. No fruit, no vegetables. We have a little grain and meat and some milk. Other things do not exist anymore. No cigarettes,” Vardanyan told the Byline Times reporter by Zoom.

Vardanyan then lamented the fact that he will not be able to celebrate Christmas with his wife and four children.

“For the first time in my life I am apart from my family at Christmas. Basically, we are hostage to Azerbaijan while we can’t get access to the road.”

Vardanyan urged the international community to impose sanctions if Azerbaijan persisted with the blockade. 

Comments (1)

The best guess is that this fine, esteemed, intelligent, moral, kindly, strong, humanitarian, angelic, Christian, successful Russian - Armenian patriot was sent by Moscow. He would not have been able to safeguard his fortune back in Russia had he not had Moscow's complete support. He also would not have been catapulted to such a high position in Artsakh had he not been sent by the main politician in Moscow. One can support Mr. Vardanian and hope for best while still realizing the truth about what is happening. Of course, as we all know, the Russian "peacekeepers" could get those Azeris off the road and open up Artsakh with one word from the main politician in Moscow (but the latter won't do so). But then Russia would not be able to pressure Armenia as much if Moscow was not holding Artsakh and especially its vulnerable children as hostages. Is taking children hostage a nice thing? Well, I guess it's no worse than standing back and doing nothing while the soldiers of your ally, Armenia, are killed by Turkish and Israel drones, American F-16s, terrorists, and Russian weapons. Thank you, Moscow. We always knew we could not count on you.

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