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Media Groups in Armenia Say New Law Restricts Freedom of Information

Several media groups in Armenia claim a new bill approved by the National Assembly allows the government to restrict what information can be made public under the country’s Freedom of Information law.

The groups, in a statement released today, say a clause in the bill, which provides for the denial of information if it "contains state, banking, commercial secrets", would add a new category – “service information of limited distribution".

The groups say such wording is too general and that almost every document circulating in state institutions, even if it doesn’t include any official secrets, can be characterized as containing "official information of limited distribution”.

The statement is signed by the Committee to Protect Freedom of Speech, Yerevan Press Club, Center for Media Initiatives, Media Diversity Institute – Armenia, Asparez Journalists Club, Center for Freedom of Information, Public Journalism Club, Journalists for the Future NGO, Journalists for Human Rights NGO, Goris Press Club, Femida NGO. 

The above organizations urge Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan not to sign the bill.

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