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Armen Mirzoyan

No Peace Deal Unless Armenia Recognizes Karabakh as Part of Azerbaijan, Says Aliyev

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, during a March 18 visit to the village of Talish in northern tip of Nagorno Karabakh seized by Azerbaijan during the 2020 Artsakh war, said Armenia must recognize Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan before any peace treaty can be signed. 

“There is one condition for them to live comfortably on an area of 29,000 square kilometers – Armenia must accept our conditions, officially recognize Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan, sign a peace treaty with us and carry out delimitation work according to our conditions. Only under these circumstances can they live comfortably on an area of 29,000 square kilometers, which is all they want now,” Aliyev said according to a statement released by his office.

Aliyev, his wife and daughter visited Talish to view what is described as “repair and restoration work.”

Aliyev is also quoted as warning Armenia and its international backers to stop making territorial claims against Azerbaijan, categorizing such attempts as “dirty deeds”.

He accused Armenia’s backers of waging an “information war” against Azerbaijan.

“For 30 years, Armenia, as well as its patrons and allies, tried to use various opportunities and means to prevent us from doing our legitimate work. They wanted to tire us with meaningless negotiations. They wanted us to come to terms with the occupation,” Aliyev is quoted as saying.

In response, the Armenian Foreign Ministry accused Baku of resettling those areas of Nagorno Karabakh it seized in the 2020 war with Azerbaijanis in an attempt to eliminate all Armenian traces from those lands. 

The ministry said such moves are in direct contradiction to Point 7 of the trilateral ceasefire statement of November 9, 2020, according to which internally displaced persons and refugees shall return to the Nagorno-Karabakh territory and adjacent regions under the control of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

“Azerbaijan is doing everything to make peace in the region impossible,” the ministry said in a statement, noting that Azerbaijan continues to illegally occupy Republic of Armenia territory.

The ministry reiterated recent calls made by Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan to send an international fact-finding mission to the Lachin Corridor and Nagorno Karabakh.

Comments (1)

Years-long appeasing/pleasing of Turkey (quasi owner of Azerbaijan) by the so-called "superpowers" (eastern and western alike) enabled sultan Erdogan (and his puppet Aliyev) to continue their crimes against Armenian people and simply ignore "international community"! When it comes to their interests (i.e., dirty oil/gas of Azerbaijan, and competing with for only Muslim member of the NATO), the "superpowers" don't care about the plight of the Armenian people as the first Christian Nation with a history of 1000s of years of culture and civilization. Here is my analysis of the role of "superpowers" leading to current situation of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) The Role of "Eastern Superpower": The current situation in Artsakh results from cowardice of former Armenian authorities to speak up about the history of Artsakh. They were puppets of Russia and did whatever Russia dictated them (i.e., not recognizing Artsakh, and continuation of the war so that Russia could sell weapons to both parties). What happens in Artsakh now is the result of the so-called ceasefire “brokered” by Russia and "monitored" jointly by its ally Turkey! Throughout history (pre-Soviet, Soviet, and after independence) Armenia has been always loyal to Russia. Just take contribution of Armenia during WWII: according to statistics the population of the Soviet Armenia was 1,320,000 in 1939. Military Deaths during the WWII 150,000 and civilian deaths were 30,000. The general losses of Armenians during WWII were 300 000. However, Russia never appreciated that loyalty (just remember treaty of Kars/Moscow, donation of Artsakh & Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan, etc.). And nowadays, history is repeating itself. Russia that happens to be Armenia's so-called "guarantor of security", "strategic partner" and "military ally", betrays Armenia like always because they don’t want to harm their so-called "pragmatic relations” with Turkey. Since 2015 they have been pleasing/appeasing Turkey with the goal of pulling it away from NATO, drawing it into their camp, and facilitating the first Slavic-Turkic alliance in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The "pragmatic relations" with Turkey even forced them to abandon their national pride and dignity. Russia stayed "pragmatic" (read passive) even when their military jet was shot down over Syria (2015), or when their ambassador to Turkey was assassinated in Ankara (2016), or when Turkish/Azeri forces shot down a military copter over Nakhichevan and murdered two Russian servicemen (2020). And despite all of these, Russia invited Turkey (the party directly and explicitly involved in a genocidal war against Armenian people) to monitor the so-called "ceasefire" in Artsakh. In fact, inviting Turkey to "monitor ceasefire" was just a carte blanche to Aliyev to continue his crimes against the Armenian people with impunity! Disgusting politics, eh? The Role of "Western Superpowers": The current "West-oriented" government of Armenia accepts all non-senses expressed by "Western superpowers" in regard to Artsakh as “historical facts”. Pseudo-Armenian turkified Pashinoglu, who came to power with his empty slogan “Karabakh is Armenia, and period!”, now repeats their non-senses, namely “Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, and Armenia is obliged to recognize Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity”. Although Pashinoglu and his Western supporters are well aware of the historical fact that Artsakh had never been part of Azerbaijan simply because it has a history of 1000s of years. In contrast, Azerbaijan has been in existence since 1918. Another reason for Artsakh's current situation is DOUBLE STANDARD of the "Western superpowers"! The “humanitarian intervention” endorsed by them and executed by their military machine NATO works very selectively when it comes to their interests. For example "humanitarian intervention to protect Kosovo Muslims from genocide committed by Christian Serbs”. The fact is that Kosovo Muslims are the remnants of the barbarian invasion of Europe by Ottoman Turks. However, for the them Kosovo was "occupied by Serbs", and therefore, Kosovars just exercised their right of "self-determination"! Although the historical fact is that one of the oldest Serbian monasteries Gračanica (Serbian: Манастир Грачаница) built in 1321 by Serbian king Stefan Milutin is located in Kosovo! And when it comes to genocide and ethnic cleansing of Christian Armenians in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) by Azerbaijani Muslims and with the full support of Turkey (the only Muslim member of NATO) the same "humanitarian intervention" doesn’t apply because Artsakh is a "disputed territory” and "internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan". Although they are well aware of the historical fact that Artsakh was an integral part of the historic Armenian Kingdom (the tenth province of Armenia from 189 BC until 387 AD), and part of the Eastern Armenian Kingdom, both under the Persian and Arab rule as a part of the Armenian administrative unit, until beginning of 19th century when it was annexed to Russian empire as a result of Russian-Persian war. Along with Nakhichevan, it was annexed to newly created state of Soviet Azerbaijan in 1921 by decree of despot Stalin in an effort to placate the oil-producing Azerbaijan and Bolshevik Russia’s Kemalist allies in Turkey. In this regard, the approach of the "Western superpowers" is so hypocritical. When it comes to anti-communism propaganda, then Stalin is called an "evil dictator" (which is very true)! However, when it comes to the “territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”, the decree of the same "evil dictator" (i.e. donating Artsakh and Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan) becomes "international law"! What a disgusting hypocrisy, eh? "Superpowers" Have Nursed a Snake in their Bosom: The vehement competition of the "superpowers" to pull a criminal rogue state to their side has encouraged sultan Erdogan (and his puppet Aliyev) to continue their crimes against humanity with impunity. Apparently, the "superpowers" still haven't realized the danger of ERDOGANOCRACY (i.e, Erdogan-style fascism) which is way more dangerous than Hitler's fascism that once united them against a shared enemy. Instead of pulling the rein of the sultan, the “superpowers” have been nursing a snake in their bosom...

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