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Former Armenian Defense Minster Proposes Open Session of 2020 Artsakh War Investigative Commission

Former Armenian Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan has proposed  an open session of the commission investigating the 2020 Artsakh war that resulted in the defeat of Armenian forces and the loss of large swaths of territory.

Tonoyan served as Armenian Defense Minister during the war and resigned immediately afterwards.

He was arrested in September 2021 as part of a criminal probe regarding the supply of defective ammunition to the country’s military as remains in detention.

Tonoyan, who once boasted that Armenia would capture more Azerbaijani territory in any new war, says Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan should also participate in the public session.

The investigative commission has been examining the circumstances of the 44-day war for fourteen months. The parliamentary opposition has boycotted these sessions. Pashinyan announced in parliament last week that he is ready to answer the commission’s questions.

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