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Armenia Condemns Arrests of Former Artsakh Leaders; Baku Hits Back

Armenia today condemned the recent arrests by Azerbaijan of several former Artsakh government officials, adding it will take all possible steps to protect the rights of illegally detained representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh, including in international courts.

Azerbaijan has arrested three former Artsakh presidents (Arkady Ghukasyan, Bako Sahakyan, Arayik Harutyunyan), former Artsakh state minister Ruben Vardanyan, former Artsakh parliament speaker Davit Ishkhanyan, and former Artsakh Defense Minister Levon Mnatsakanyan, among others, accusing them of various crimes.

“Despite the dialogue with the representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh, the statements of high-ranking officials of Azerbaijan regarding the willingness to respect and protect the rights of Armenians, not to hinder their return to Nagorno-Karabakh, and on establishment of peace in the region, the law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan continue arbitrary arrests,” reads a statement released by Armenia’s foreign ministry.

Azerbaijan was quick to respond, saying it strongly condemns the Armenian foreign ministry statement protesting the arrests of “members of the separatist puppet regime created by Armenia on the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan as a result of its aggression and military occupation against Azerbaijan.”

“This statement clearly displays Armenia’s failure to abandon the aggressive policy and actions it took against Azerbaijan for decades. The statement also constitutes an attempt to justify the acts committed by those who are now under arrest,” Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry responded.

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