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Armenian, Iranian Foreign Minister Meet in Yerevan

Following their meeting in Yerevan on December 27, the foreign ministers of Armenia and Iran (Ararat Mirzoyan, Hossein Amir Abdollahian) held a joint press conference that focused on expanding economic, energy and technology cooperation.

Mirzoyan said the construction of a third Iran-Armenia power transmission line should be completed in 2024 and that progress on finishing transport routes connecting the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea via the North-South Road Corridor is being made with the assistance of Iranian companies.

Mirzoyan, according to his office, noted the unique role of the Forum of Ancient Civilizations as a platform for bilateral and multilateral dialogue and cooperation. 

“A few days ago, the latest meeting of this platform took place in Tehran, and now we are discussing the possibility of holding the next meeting in Yerevan,” the Armenian foreign minister said.

The sides also discussed the ongoing process to normalize Armenia-Azerbaijan relations.


The Ancient Civilizations Forum (ACF) was jointly launched by Greece and China in April 2017 with ten members - China, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Greece, Italy, Peru, Bolivia, Armenia, and Mexico.

The ACF seeks to promote international exchanges, strengthen multilateral cooperation, safeguard cultural diversity and world culture, uphold civilization's legacy and advancement and stimulate the vitality of ancient civilization's wisdom to offer solutions to issues facing modern society.

Photo credit: MFA Armenia


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