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PACE Challenges Azerbaijan’s Credentials

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is scheduled to debate a proposal today to restrict the powers of the organization’s Azerbaijani delegation.

The initiative, introduced by PACE member Frank Schwabe from Germany, cites Azerbaijan’s non-compliance with its obligations.

Schwabe referred to ongoing human rights violations and the growing number of political prisoners in Azerbaijan as the reason, as well as the refusal of official Baku to invite the PACE delegation to evaluate the upcoming presidential elections on February 7.

He also mentioned Azerbaijan's refusal to allow PACE speakers into Karabakh's Lachin corridor in 2023.

The plenary session today may completely or partially limit the powers of the Azerbaijani delegation. Limiting the powers of the Azerbaijani delegation will not mean suspending Azerbaijan's participation in other structures of the Council of Europe.

Photo: Council of Europe

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