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Artsvik Davtyan

Tirayr Muradyan

Sale of Yerevan's Spartak Stadium Disappoints Head of Athletics Federation

Robert Emmiyan, who heads the Athletics Federation of Armenia, says he was disappointed to hear about the recent $12.3 million sale of Yerevan’s Spartak football stadium to a real estate developer.

Emmiyan, a retired long jumper who represented the USSR and Armenia, says he constantly improvements at the stadium, the second oldest football venue in Armenia. 

The stadium, along with its gym and surrounding annexes, will be torn down to make way for a new residential complex.

“It's too negative for me, because I've always wanted athletics in Yerevan to have conditions that meet international standards,” said Emmiyan, who trained at the stadium.

He says the stadium should have been renovated and thus serve future Armenian athletes.

Emmiyan is listed as the fourth best long jumper in history and still hold the European record with a jump of 8.41 meters at the 1986 European Championships.

Emmiyan, a Gyumri native, moved to Paris after retiring from the sport.

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