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Tatevik Shaljyan

Verdict in Helsinksi Assembly v. Vladimir Gasryan Case Postponed

A Yerevan court today delayed handing down its verdict in the case filed by the Vanadzor Office of the Helsinki Civic Assembly against RA Police Chief Vladimir Gasparyan.

The Assembly’s Vanadzor office filed a lawsuit on November 10, 2011 against Gasparyan, charging him with slandering the reputation and good name of the organization in comments he made to the press while Deputy Defense Minister.

Gasparyan called Assembly members, “20 year-old punks with tails”.

Presiding Judge Aleksey Soukoyan announced that additional time was needed to evaluate Gasparyan’s words. The verdict will be announced on July 20.

The Assembly is seeking a public apology and 10 million AMD in compensatory damages.

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