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Putin Ally Says CSTO Rift May Result in Armenia’s Demise

Margarita Simonyan, a pro-Putin editor-in-chief of the Russian state-controlled international news television network RT, has said Armenia's spat with Russia over the Moscow-led security bloc CSTO could see the South Caucasus country cease to exist within half-a-decade.

Newsweek, on March 5, reports that Simonyan predicted the demise of Armenia during a Q&A at the World Youth Festival in Russia’s Krasnodar region.

Simonyan, addressing a panel discussion at the festival, criticized Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan for suspending Armenia’s participation in CSTO.

See Video – Minute 12:08 (simultaneous English translation)

"Armenia's youth must understand that Pashinyan is a traitor to the Armenian people and is leading Armenia to complete destruction if he remains in power," Simonyan told festival goers on Monday.

She added, "Let them (Armenian voters) continue to elect Pashinyan if such a suicidal policy is close to them."

Simonyan, in a February RT broadcast clip posted online, boasted that Russia “is the only country in the world that can destroy the United States in one hour.”

Simonyan was born in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar.

Photo: Roman Pimenov / TASS

Comments (2)

Concerned Armenian
I stand with Margarita Simonyan. With a Western-financed regime of professional Russophobes and Turkophiles in power in Yerevan, Armenia is headed towards a major disaster. For Armenia to survive in a place like the south Caucasus, it must join the Russian Federation. There are no alternatives to Russia. Otherwise, the country will continue the nightmare of the past six years, until it disappears from the world map once again.
This lady, Margarita Simonyan, , SHOULD BETTER TALK ABOUT GENOCIDAL POLICY (including culture genocide) PURSUED BY RUSSIA-TURK Y-AZERBAIJAN in KARABAKH! I do not like the current ruling elite. Unforgivable mistakes! But Russia and Turkey had closed there deal over Karabakh (another portion of Armenian land) long before! As soon as there will be a possibility in future, the hidden deal made between Turkey and Russia on Karabakh has to be declared invalid This was Russia which is non stop calling Azerbaijan a strategic ally, and Russia itself brought the NATO Turkey to Karabakh and final to eastern borders of Armenia. Russia should look in the mirror! shame on this Russia for which so many Armenians did give there lives ! Over 300 000 Armenians lost there life alone during WW!!, Shame on you Russia for betraying Armenian nation by selling Karabakh to Turkey !! Spokesperson of Russian foreign minster and Margarita Simonyanov (Simonyan), , day by day taking non scene ,and ignoring genocidal policy pursued by RUSSIA- TURK AZERBAIJAN in Karabakh. Nevertheless, with such an ally like Russia, Armenia do not need a enemy anymore? Russia has never protected Armenians , this apples to what happened 100 years ago too. The so called ally of Armenia brought Turkey into the eastern borders of Armenia, Helped with ethnic cleaning in Karabakh. Russia, like over 100 years ago, once again gave another potion of (historic( Armenia to Turks since such a criminal and anti Armenian policy serves (short term ) interests of Russia Russia, so called ally, is currently guilty of culture genocide in Karabakh. Buy betraying Armenian nation once again, Russia itself started putting an end to its presence in North Caucasus! Erdogan and Alive have many reasons to laugh on Putin and people like Margarita Simonyanov(Simonyan) too!

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