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Yerevan Mayor to Review Contract with Water Supplier

Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan says he wants to revise the contract with Veolia Djur (Veolia Water) following last week’s heavy rains in the Armenian capital that resulted in street flooding in various neighborhoods.

The company won an international tender in 2016 and thus obtained the right to manage all water and wastewater systems in Armenia for the next fifteen years. Veolia, via Veolia Water CJSC, now manages five water distribution companies in Armenia: Yerevan Djur; Armenian Water and Sewage, Shirak Water and Sewage, Lori Water and Sewage and Nor Akunk.

According to the deal, Veolia Water is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the surface water, storm drain and rainwater network of Yerevan city.

“We need a company that will take responsibility for the entire network,” Avinyan said, adding that people have a right to be dissatisfied with the service.

Yerevan Djur has been managing Yerevan’s water and sewage services since June 2006.

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