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World Bank Allocates $40 Million to Modernize Armenia's Power Transmission Network

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $40 million in support of the Enabling the Energy Transition project for Armenia, which will assist the implementation of the Energy Sector Development Strategy to 2040 of the Republic of Armenia

The investments will focus on the rehabilitation of power transmission substations, the adoption of reforms to allow the transmission company to access private financing, and the promotion of energy sector modernization as well as regional energy cooperation among emerging and developing economies in the Europe and Central Asia region.

Armenia’s power sector is heavily dependent on imported fuels, especially natural gas, which creates significant energy security risks, compounded by the global energy crisis. Attracting private investment is essential to fund the large-scale projects needed in the sector. In 2021, 62 percent of Armenia’s total energy supply came from natural gas, followed by oil (16 percent), nuclear (14 percent), and hydro (5 percent), whereas the share of nontraditional renewable energy sources (wind and solar) was only about 1 percent. 

“To ensure affordable, reliable, and clean electricity supply for consumers, Armenia needs continued investments in modernizing the power transmission network and improving the commercial viability of the High-voltage Electric Networks of Armenia JSC, the transmission company. Moreover, we expect this project to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions – crucial for mitigating climate change,” said Carolin Geginat, World Bank Country Manager for Armenia.

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