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Biden Says Peace Deal Will Enhance Baku’s Global Role

The Azerbaijani press quotes U.S. President Joe Biden as welcoming a major energy conference now taking place in Baku, adding that an Armenian-Azerbaijan  peace agreement will finally bring stability to the South Caucasus.

"The United States is interested in ensuring stability in the region. The signed peace agreement will put an end to the long-term conflict and will also change the role of Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus on a global scale,” Biden allegedly wrote in a letter read at the Baku Energy Week forum.

The forum’s website quotes Harry Kamian, Senior Advisor to the U.S. State Department for Multilateral Energy Diplomacy, as noting “the promising avenues for cooperation between the United States and Azerbaijan.”

The website says Kamian read a letter from President Biden, acknowledging the impact of Azerbaijani ventures and the ability to promote crucial global initiatives in the field of economics and green ecology.

The speaker emphasized that Azerbaijan is embarking on a new phase in its energy narrative - focusing on environmentally sustainable energy practices that benefit the entire region.

Photo: Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters

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