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Armenia's Pivot to West Jeopardizes Defense Ties With Moscow, Says Russian Deputy FM

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin today warned that Armenia’s tilt to the West may damage its military ties with Moscow.

TASS quotes Galuzin as saying, “Yerevan is trying to take advantage of a situation where the West is showing a strong interest in boosting cooperation, including in the security sphere."

Galuzin argues that “reckless decisions” by Yerevan giving the West full access to national databases, or information that is sensitive to the country’s security, not only pose a threat to the state’s sovereignty, but may also render a return to joint efforts to build a common defense space with Russia and other CSTO allies impossible for objective reasons.

The Russian official calls on Armenia to return to full-fledged participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Photo credit: Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

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