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Armenia to Azerbaijan: 'We Have No Territorial Demands From You'

Armenia’s Foreign Ministry issued the following statement in response to comments made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on June 6 reiterating that Baku will not sign any peace deal with Yerevan unless Armenia changes its constitution.

Aliyev, earlier this year, said Armenia must remove from a reference to a 1990 declaration of independence which in turn cites a 1989 unification act adopted by the legislative bodies of Soviet Armenia and the then Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast.

The Republic of Armenia has no territorial claims from any of its neighbors, including Azerbaijan.

The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and its amendments are the internal affairs of the Republic of Armenia, and we consider official Baku's attempts to interfere in the internal Armenian discussions about it, which started in 2018, as a gross interference in the internal affairs of our country.

At the same time, we consider that such talk torpedoes the peace process and calls into question the sincerity of the leadership of Azerbaijan to achieve peace.

The Peace Agreement negotiated between Armenia and Azerbaijan clearly stipulates that the Parties recognize each other's territorial integrity and have no territorial claims against each other. There is also an agreed provision in the draft Peace Agreement that neither party may invoke its domestic law to breach its obligations under the Peace Agreement.

The signing of the agreement and the ratification through domestic procedures will finalize these principles.

Accordingly, we consider that the clearest and most direct way to eliminate all concerns of the Parties is the signing of the Agreement, which will open a page of long-term peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The Peace Agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan is complete enough to be signed, and the Armenian side expresses its willingness to work constructively and intensively to complete and sign it within the next month."

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