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Pashinyan Defends Police, Accuses Catholicos Karekin II of Masterminding Protests

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan today defended the actions of police on Wednesday against protesters opposed to the government’s border deal with Azerbaijan.

Scores were injured when police and protesters clashed outside the National Assembly in Yerevan.

Pashinyan, during remarks at the parliament today to discuss the national budget, claimed protesters attacked the police.

He accused Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and former Armenian President Robert Kocharyan of being the true masterminds of the protest movement.

“The police response was lawful and professional, and in all similar cases the police will act in the same way. Demonstrators tried to force their way through the police cordon to attack the country's highest legislative body,” Pashinyan said.

Pashinyan said the instigators of yesterday’s events, which he described as a “mass riot”, must be brought to justice.

Pashinyan said his administration will take all necessary measures to protect the state, society and independence of Armenia.

“I also want to say that we have not been and will not be a weak government. We will be and are loving, compassionate, helpful, supportive, tolerant, but never a weak government, because a weak government is a disaster for the state.”

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