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U.S. Ambassador Attends Yerevan Workshop to Boost Number of Women in Military

U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Kristina Kvien today attended a workshop on "Integration of Women in the Armed Forces" at Yerevan’s Vazgen Sargsyan Military Academy.

The workshop was organized by Armenia’s Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG).

Established in April 2019, ISG is charged with building partner institutional capacity and capability through tailored advising, education, and professional development programs grounded in American values and approaches.   

The Armenian parliament in June 2023 adopted amendments and additions to the Law on Military Service and the Status of Soldier allowing women aged 18-27 to enter voluntary-compulsory military service in the armed forces.

At the end of six months of service, women will receive one million drams and can apply for the “homeland defender” program, which would add another five years of service.

Prior to the above amendments, women served in the Armenian military only on a contract basis, comprising 9.1% of contract service members in 2019, the most recent figure provided by the defense ministry.

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