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Iranian Official Chides Moscow on Zangezur Corridor Demand

Director-General of the Iranian Foreign Ministry's Eurasia Department Mojtaba Demirchilou, in a Monday meeting with the Russian ambassador in Tehran Alexey Dedov, expressed Iran's opposition to "any geopolitical changes in the Caucasus".

Demirchilou was referring to Moscow’s support of Azerbaijan’s demand for a transportation corridor via Armenia to connect Azerbaijan with its Nakhchivan enclave.

Moscow and Baku want Russia to monitor and control the corridor. Armenia says any such link must be under its control.

Demirchilou , according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) also stressed the need to pay attention to the interests and legitimate concerns of all countries in the region.

Demirchilou and Dedov emphasized the need to use the capacity of regional countries to resolve issues and help consolidate regional peace and stability and implement economic plans, keeping in mind the interests of all parties.

Photo by: Shutterstock Photo

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