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Armenia to Host Global Wine Tourism Conference


Armenia will host the 8th  Global Wine Tourism Conference from September 11-13 in conjunction with the United Nations’ World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

This year's conference will focus on the theme "Heritage in Every Bottle: Crafting Authentic Wine Tourism Experiences," highlighting the importance of developing strategies that both preserve cultural traditions and benefit local communities. A key focus will be on reviving traditions in the evolving landscape of wine tourism, balancing modernization with cultural heritage.

"With our millennia-old winemaking tradition and rich cultural heritage, Armenia is uniquely positioned to showcase its innovative practices and exceptional wine culture. This conference offers a unique platform for collaboration, learning, and advancing the global discourse on wine tourism,” says Susanna Hakobyan, Acting Head of the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Armenia. 

The conference will feature prominent industry leaders, such Catena Zapata, named World's Best Winery for 2023. Attendees will be able to attend masterclasses at renowned Armenian wineries, such as the historic Areni-1 cave, the oldest known winery in the world.

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