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Colliers Wins Project Management Contract for $250M Trade Center in Yerevan

Project management firm Colliers Project Leaders, Middle East, has won a bid to manage the construction of the new US$250 million World Trade Center in Yerevan.

The Center, a public-private partnership between the Armenian government and Renshin Ltd., seeks to expand Armenia’s participation in world trade and investments and to promote international business relationships and understanding amongst Armenia’s SMEs.  

The Center will house commercial spaces, offices, retail outlets, hotels and exhibition halls.

Yerevan-based Renshin Ltd., founded in 2002, is an urban development company known for several high-end residential complexes in the Armenian capital.

Construction of the Center is slated to begin by the year’s end.

Photo: Sankey Prasad (Chairman &Managing Director, Middle East & India, Colliers), Artashes Tonoyan (CEO & Executive Committee Chair, World Trade Center Yerevan)

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