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Armenia to Increase Defense Spending 20% in 2025

Armenia’s 2025 draft budget, if passed by the country’s parliament, will increase defense spending by 20% to 664.7 billion drams (US$ 1.7 billion).

Thus, defense spending will comprise 6% of GDP.

905 billion drams ($2.3 billion), an increase of 13.9%, will go to social services.

Education sector spending will increase 4.5 % to 300 billion drams.

Spending on the environment will increase 37.6%, to 13.5 billion drams.

The country’s Ministry of High-Tech Industry will receive AMD 47.5 billion, an increase of 89%.

Armenian Finance Minister Vahe Hovhannisyan, at a parliamentary debate today on the draft budget, said the country’s economic growth for 2025 is expected to be 5.6%, a slight drop from 5.8% last year.

According to Hovhannisyan, state budget expenditures will amount to 3.482 trillion, revenues will be 2.873 trillion, and the deficit will be 609 billion drams.

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