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Ucraft Introduces the UC ERP Platform: A New Solution for Businesses:

Paid content

Ucraft presents UC ERP, an all-in-one enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform. It allows users to organize wholesale and retail sales, manage and track procurement chains, issue e-invoices, handle customer data, accounting, and financial transactions, monitor project management performance, and much more.

UC ERP is a cloud-based solution specifically designed to meet Armenia's legal requirements. It is integrated with all Armenian banks, banking platforms, payment systems, and devices, including fiscal machines, printers, scanners, and scales. The platform offers customizable workflows, an intuitive Armenian-language interface, and accessibility from any device, enabling multiple users to work simultaneously both online and offline.

All businesses can explore the benefits of UC ERP upon a 3-month free subscription. To test the platform, users are free to simply submit a demo request via Ucraft website.

All service packages include free platform training, free hosting on Google Cloud, unlimited storage, and many additional benefits. For a comprehensive overview of features, the users should visit the official UC ERP page.

Ucraft is an Armenian tech company offering innovative solutions that consistently supporting small and growing businesses with cutting-edge technologies.

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