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Armenian Foreign Minister: "No Alternative to Peace"

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, in a speech at the 31st OSCE Ministerial Council in Malta today, said a peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan can be reached quickly “if there is sufficient political will”.

“We are confident that there's no alternative to peace as the people in our region has already suffered a lot from bloody conflicts. Against all odds, we are determined to continue our efforts to reach the desired goal,” Mirzoyan said.

Mirzoyan added that Armenia continues to dialogue with Turkey to normalize relations, and that the two countries are focusing on the opening of the Gyumri-Kars railway border crossing.

He criticized the OSCE, the world’s largest regional security organization, of failing to implement its principles aimed at conflict prevention and to respond to the use of force.

“The challenges that the entire world faces nowadays makes us to be more vigilant in the issues related to peace and stability,” Mirzoyan said.

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