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Pashinyan Touts "Real Armenia" Concept in New Year's Address

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan ushered in the New Year by claiming that the country has never been as stable and independent as it is now and that his administration aims to make Armenia even more so.

Pashinyan, in his New Year’s address, said such achievements are the result of his “Real Armenia” ideology that focuses on the current state of affairs and excludes nostalgic notions of historic Armenia.

Pashinyan, last April, called on Armenians to free themselves of the emotional attachments to historic Armenia and focus on the current Republic of Armenia, the “real Armenia”.

"The real Armenia is the one that has an internationally recognized territory and internationally recognized borders and, realizing this fact, has the self-awareness of a full and respectable member of the international community,” Pashinyan said at the time.

Pashinyan, in his address published yesterday, said the peace Armenians enjoy today stems from this realistic evaluation of current factors.

He boasted that the delimitation of Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan, criticized by many as a sell-out to Baku, is a “success story” that has made Armenia more secure.

Pashinyan confessed that many issues remain unresolved, but that his government is working to resolve them. He didn’t specify these issues.

He concluded that work and education are necessary to achieve well-being, freedom and happiness for the country’s citizens.

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