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Samson Martirosyan

Azerbaijani, Georgian Foreign Minsters Meet in Baku; Discuss "Strategic Partnership"

The foreign ministers of Azerbaijan (Jeyhun Bayramov) and Georgia (Maka Botchorishvili) met in Baku today to discuss bilateral cooperation matters and the need to maintain regional peace and stability.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry writes the two diplomats “welcome the historic friendship and exemplary strategic partnership between the two countries.”

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry writes they discussed “the political, security, economic, energy, transport-communications, humanitarian dimensions of Azerbaijan-Georgia strategic partnership.”

Bayramov, according to his office, also informed Botchorishvili about “post-conflict regional construction and demining”. This naturally refers to Azerbaijan’s invasion and recapture of Nagorno Karabakh and surrounding regions from Armenian control

Azerbaijani state news agency AzerTaj reports that during a press conference after the meeting, Botchorishvili said it was an honor for her to make her first visit to Azerbaijan as foreign minister, adding that she and Bayramov also discussed developments that concern Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Bayramov, during the press conference, reiterated Baku’s claim that Armenia’s military procurements hinder the quick signing of a peace deal and claimed that Yerevan doesn’t respect the principle of territorial integrity while Baku and Tbilisi do.

The Azerbaijani Azeri Press Agency reports that the Azerbaijani government has allocated land to Georgia for the construction of a new embassy building in Baku.

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