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Ararat Davtyan

Madame Anoush: Prosecutor Demands 14 Year Sentence for “Infamous Pimp of Dubai”

The court case of Anoush Martirosyan, the infamous Madam Pimp known for her prostitution activities in Dubai and Armenia, has been transferred to the Kentron and Nork-Marash Court of First Instance, due to the dissolution of the Yerevan Criminal Court. Readers will remember from past articles that Anoush is being tried along with her two sisters, Sofya Martirosyan and Sonya Gabrielyan, and another cohort, Mariam Martikyan. (See: Madame Anoush, “Infamous Pimp of Dubai”, Takes the Witness Stand)

During the March 9th trial session the court heard from Sonya Gabrielyan and Mariam Martikyan. The latter reneged on her previous testimony in which it was noted that despite being aware that Nora and Milena (whose name has been changed and has been recognized by the court as an aggrieved party) were to be exploited in the Emirates, however Gayaneh Ghaltakhchyan intervened, sending them an invitation and paying for their travel expenses to Dubai.

“That testimony wasn’t correct because what I stated was true but the examiner, Hovhannes Gevorgyan, didn’t accept it as such,” stated Mariam Martikyan in court.

Judge Yeva Darbinyan noted, “But in your testimony you also affirmed this during a face to face questioning with Anoush Martirosyan. What happened, did the examiner again force you not to state the truth?” “No, he didn’t force me, but…The examiner prompted me…” answered Mariam.

Contrary to the other defendants, Sonya Gabrielyan fully accepted the charges levied against her and declined her right to testify in court. She is being charged with “Prostitution related assistance” and “Bribery to elicit false testimony”. Let’s remind readers that Sonya gave a $1,500 bribe to Milena so that she would renounce the testimony she had given against Anoush.

The court publicized the testimony given by Sonya Gabrielyan during the preliminary examination. As the judge was reading out the testimony, Anoush made some defamatory hand gestures towards her sister Sonya and complained, “You’ve written down worse stuff than the defendants.”  In her testimony Sonya confessed that Anoush had engaged in prostitution while in Dubai and that she had assisted in various ways. In the end, in answer to the questioning of the lawyers, Sonya noted that they had incorrectly recorded things and had only found her guilty of bribery.

After reviewing all the evidence in the case, the court heard opposing arguments. However, at the next March 11 trial session, defense lawyer Mkrtich Vasakyan petitioned the court to restart the preliminary examination process. “Since a charge has been brought against an organized group and I am petitioning the court to call Gayaneh Ghaltakhchyan, Marieta Mouradyan, Gago and Aper, all members of that group, to appear for questioning,” stated the defense lawyer.

Prosecutor Artur Davtyan objected, noting that the aforementioned individuals were included in the case as defendants and that some were being tracked down while the identity of the others had not yet been verified. “An examination is underway of that part of the case separated from the criminal proceeding,” stated Mr. Davtyan.

The court denied the motion and Prosecutor Artur Davtyan read out the statement for the prosecution in which it was specifically noted that, “…With the aim of organizing her illicit activities more productively Anoush Martirosyan, joined forces with and created an organized illicit group with the following individuals-Gayaneh Ghaltakhchyan and Marieta Mouradyan, residing in Dubai; an unidentified individual named Syuzan; Nora Stepanyan, residing in Armenia; her sister, Sofya Martirosyan; unidentified Ano and Kara; unidentified Gago, Artak, Aper and Aro, residing in Moscow. In addition there was a specific delegation of duties. Some of them, located in Armenia, recruited the girls and sent them off to Moscow, knowing full well that the ring members there would transfer them to Dubai. Those in Moscow, again in coordination with Anoush Martirosyan, met the girls and arranged for their transfer to Dubai. The other illicit ring members, including Anoush Martirosyan, were waiting in Dubai to meet the girls and get them working in the sex trade. All the members of this illicit ring received their share of the profits derived from exploiting these girls, in accordance to their level of complicity in the illicit activity.”

The Prosecutor motioned the court to sentence Sonya Gabrielyan to 1year and 1 month; to sentence Sofya Martirosyan and Mariam Martikyan to 6 years each; and to sentence Anoush Martirosyan to 14 years imprisonment, taking into account the leading role she played in carrying out the activities of the illegal group.

“Hey, that’s not right. You should have given me 20 years or stood before a firing squad”, said Anoush Martirosyan, irately. Then, gazing in our direction, she added, “Write in the papers that he (referring to Prosecutor Artur Davtyan) isn’t guilty. He’s done what he was told to do. The Prosecutor’s Office fabricated the whole thing because it received a two million grant and now it has to show some concrete results.”

Lawyers for the defendants motioned the court to postpone the trial. “Of course, we were ready to make an opening statement, but after such a statement by the Prosecutor the need arose to make changes to it. We request that time be given to consult with the defendants and to prepare for a statement in their defense,” asserted Attorney Roubik Movsisyan.

The trial will continue on March 18.

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