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Letter to the Editor: Former US Ambassador Djerejian a Disappointment

It is disappointing that the Najarian Human Rights Lecture Series, affiliated with the Armenian Heritage Park on Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway, has tapped Ambassador Edward Djerejian to be the main speaker for its 3rd annual lecture at Faneuil Hall on October 25.

Djerejian, whose parents were Genocide survivors, is a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Syria. He is now the Founding Director of the James A. Baker III Institute in Houston.

The Institute’s namesake is James Baker. He is a former Secretary of State and an Armenian genocide denier, as is Madeline Albright, an ex-officio member of the Institute.  Its Board of Advisors is filled with current and former executives of Chevron, Marathon Oil, Shell Oil, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and similar corporations, several of which also fund the Institute.  Not surprisingly, human rights are nearly invisible on the Institute’s agenda.

In a depressing political presentation to Armenian Americans in Texas in 2011, Djerejian uttered not one word of criticism of Turkey or Azerbaijan.  Nor did he mention Artsakh/Karabagh’s rights, human or otherwise. Instead, he took a neutral position on the issue, and approvingly quoted Azeri President Ilham Aliyev that “Azerbaijan has the upper hand.”  Regarding the Genocide, Djerejian noted only that “the Armenian Genocide can best be resolved within the context of improved state to state relations between Armenia and Turkey.”

A true human rights advocate would never give such a speech. A career U.S. State Department man would.

Astonishingly, Djerejian’s book “Danger and Opportunity” (2008) praised Kemal Ataturk as a “charismatic military leader who drove European occupiers out of Turkey.”  It also touted Turkey for its “potential outreach to the Turkic-speaking countries of Central Asia.”  This is a form of pan-Turkism, which led to WW 1, the Armenian genocide, and Turkey’s providing military and political support to Azerbaijan. Is Djerejian unaware of this, or does he not care?

In 1999, Djerejian and Peter Rosenblatt, a former U.S. ambassador and top member of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) visited Azerbaijan and Armenia, allegedly to serve as peacemakers on the Karabagh issue.  Both AJC and JINSA are genocide deniers that have worked with Turkey to defeat the Armenian genocide resolution.  AJC Executive Director David Harris, who has twice visited Aliyev, says “Azerbaijan is important for the Jewish people.”  Djerejian’s partnering, in effect, with AJC and JINSA strikes one as strange, to say the least.   Fortunately, the Djerejian-Rosenblatt expedition flopped.

I could go on, but I won’t. 

Hopefully, the Najarian/Armenian Heritage Park lecture series will invite a true human rights advocate for its 2013 event.


David Boyajian

Belmont, MA

(Edward Djerejian photo courtesy of AP)

Comments (4)

Dr. Najarian, Amb. Djerejian's long time track record shows that he hasn't lifted a finger for the Armenian cause,I have never heard,seen,or read anything to prove me wrong. Mr David Boyajian is wright to point this out to the public at large. Dr. Najarian, sadly your response is pathetic to say the least, you seem to be living in another planet,wake up.
Dr. Najarian, Amb. Djerejian's will sell the Armenian interests and cause down the river without any hesitation for the services of our adversaries,that's the extend of his Armenianness. You do well if you change your advisers.
Everything David Boyajian is saying about Djerejian's public activities and words is correct. Djerejian is totally alien to Human Rihts and Justice and as such he is absolutely the wrong choice to be invited as main speaker for Najarian Human Rights Lecture Series, and in doing so the Najarian Foundation is showing its true face, i. e. the one that is not concerned about human rights and the legitimate and just rights of the Armenian nation; the fact that the Najarian Foundation did not fight to the end to secure the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE MEMORIAL and instead ended up acquiescing the Armenian Heritage Park by giving in to the pressures of the Armenian rights' enemies who are the very allies of Djerejian, is the best testimony to that hypocritical face. In this context Dr. Najarian is in vain trying to conceal the Najarian Foundation's collaboration with the enemies of the Armenian nation.
Carolann Najarian
I am writing in response David Boyajian’s letter published in the Armenian Weekly on September 27, 2012 regarding Ambassador Djerejian's upcoming presentation at the human rights lecture endowed by my husband and myself and in conjunction with the Armenian Heritage Park. It is unfortunate that Mr. Boyajian, who had already voiced his opinions to me and my committee regarding the selection of Ambassador Edward Djerejian for this year’s speaker, has chosen to go public with his ill-founded criticism before the lecture. He might have withheld his judgment until after he heard what the Ambassador had to say. Boyajian’s use of inflammatory language, out of context, pronouncing the Ambassador guilty by association, and more importantly guilty for not publicly doing things Boyajian’s way, draws the line between those of who would be diplomats and those who are not. Given the recent tragic events in Libya, we have come to more fully appreciate the difficulties our ambassadors have always faced. I for one join our committee, and I hope with the entire Armenian community, will welcome a man who has served our nation in difficult posts, has upheld his personal honor and our county’s honor, and share the respect we feel for him as an Armenian-American. Our committee’s invitations come after hours of meetings, discussions and vetting potential speakers – including by our co-sponsors. Controversy has come in the past, and will no doubt with each year’s choice for speaker and even our topics. It is impossible for people at this level of accomplishment to please everyone – nor should they. It is exactly why it is so important to hear them speak whether we think we agree with them or not. We are honored that Ambassador Djerejian has taken the time out of his very busy schedule which takes him around the world to be our speaker. Carolann S. Najarian, M.D. The K.George and Carolann S. Najarian, M.D. Endowed Lecture on Human Rights in conjunction with the Armenian Heritage Park

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