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Carolann S. Najarian's Response to Boyajian Re: Djerejian

This year’s speaker at the K.George and Carolann S. Najarian Endowed Lecture on Human Rights (given in conjunction with the Armenian Heritage Park)  has come under dark criticism by David Boyajian as expressed in his posting on Hetq and on other prominent news sites.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Boyajian, who had already voiced his opinions to me and my committee regarding the selection of Ambassador Edward Djerejian for this year’s speaker, has chosen to go public with his ill-founded criticism before the lecture. He might have withheld his judgment until after he heard what the Ambassador had to say. Boyajian’s use of inflammatory language, out of context, pronouncing the Ambassador guilty by association, and more importantly guilty for not publicly doing things Boyajian’s way, draws the line between those of who would be diplomats and those who are not. 

Given the recent tragic events in Libya, we have come to more fully appreciate the difficulties our ambassadors have always faced. I for one join our committee, and I hope with the entire Armenian community, will welcome a man who has served our nation in difficult posts, has upheld his personal honor and our county’s honor, and share the respect we feel for him as an Armenian-American.

Our committee’s invitations come after hours of meetings, discussions and vetting potential speakers – including by our co-sponsors. Controversy has come in the past, and will no doubt with each year’s choice for speaker and even our topics. It is impossible for people at this level of  accomplishment to please everyone – nor should they. It is exactly why it is so important to hear them speak whether we think we agree with them or not.

We are honored that Ambassador Djerejian has taken the time out of his very busy schedule which takes him around the world to be our speaker.  

Carolann S. Najarian, M.D.

The K.George and Carolann S. Najarian, M.D. Endowed Lecture on Human Rights in conjunction with the Armenian Heritage Park

Comments (4)

Gurgen B.
Dr. Najarian, Amb. Djerejian's decades-long track record of ardently being pro-Turkic and anti-Armenian speaks volumes of who and what he is. Are you this blind? Have you settled too much into your rich American lifestyle? Or, are you there to seek justice for the Armenian people? It’s no wonder that your lecture is scandalously associated with an “Armenian Heritage Park” instead of an “Armenian Genocide Park!” Wisen up! You were also naive in trusting your money, properties and dignity with all the wrong people in Armenia, don't make a similar move in the States! By “honoring” a pro-establishment, bought-off unprofessional like Djerejian, you and your committee will be doing a huge service to Armenian-Americans who have been, are, and will be doing their best to truly promote Hayastan, Artsakh, and the Armenian Cause through U.S. and other political structures. I call upon all righteous individuals, Armenian and non-Armenian, to boycott this defeatist event.
Dr. Najarian, Amb. Djerejian's long time track record shows that he hasn't lifted a finger for the Armenian cause,I have never heard,seen,or read anything to prove me wrong. Mr David Boyajian is wright to point this out to the public at large. Dr. Najarian, sadly your response is pathetic to say the least, you seem to be living in another planet,wake up.
Dr. Najarian, Amb. Djerejian's will sell the Armenian interests and cause down the river without any hesitation for the services of our adversaries,that's the extend of his Armenianness.
I respect David Boyajian for what he has done, and said. Ambassador Edward Djerejian is not 'a true human rights advocate'.

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