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David Boyajian's Letter to the Editor of Hetq

I attended a presentation by U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern during his December 2012 speaking tour of Armenian American communities.

This is not the first time that the Diocese, Prelacy, and other organizations have, in effect, given diplomats and others free reign to propagandize and abuse us.

Like other U.S. ambassadors to Armenia, such as Marie Yovanovich and John Ordway, who also gave solo presentations, Mr. Heffern refused to acknowledge the Armenian genocide, was deceptive concerning U.S. goals in the Caucasus, and generally failed to provide honest responses to the audience's questions.

Allowing a speaker to mislead, frustrate, and demoralize a segment of the audience is a disservice to Armenian Americans and their vital concerns. Such events must not, therefore, be repeated.

Implicitly pro-Turkish officials such as Mr. Heffern should be invited to speak only as part of a panel in which assertive, geopolitically knowledgeable Armenian Americans participate.

In this way, the Armenian panelists can not only provide their own views but also vigorously challenge the official's claims when the latter tries to hoodwink the audience or sidestep a question.

Both young and old Armenian Americans, especially those who may not be politically well-informed, would benefit greatly from such a balanced event.

The problem pertains not just to officials such as U.S. ambassadors. I think back to those such as David L. Phillips, a U.S. State Department consultant who headed the so-called Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission (TARC).

Several years ago, an Armenian American organization invited him to speak. Phillips misinformed the audience by claiming, for instance, that Armenians had no right to genocide reparations.

Our organizations must stop providing uncontested platforms for what are, in essence, pro-Turkish propagandists, regardless of how "prestigious" the latter may be.

If such a propagandist is unwilling to face knowledgeable Armenian Americans in a fair panel discussion, he or she ought to be turned away.

David Boyajian
Belmont, MA
February 11, 2013

Comments (5)

Mr Boyajian is 100% correct when putting the case for Armenian organisation in the US not to allow free reign to US diplomats or ex-diplomats or any US official to lecture us on matters which only suits their interests,in this case we all know how pro Turkish ambassador Heffern is,his interest is not defending Armenian interest but US interests. All org's be it cultural,political,or religious should not allow such anti Armenian lectures and insist to be questioned by a professional panel and expecting honest answers,we had enough of lies from Obama,Biden,Clintons,and the rest. Enough is Enough don't ever be fooled with so called good intentions of the US policy towards Armenia,its the opposite,we will never get any justice for the crimes committed by US ally Turkey against the Armenians.
Armenian organisations be it religious,cultural,or political have acted and are acting like a bunch of prostitutes to US officials. Enough of this skulduggery,stand up for rights of the Armenian nation all of you in the US who are supposed to defend Armenian rights,but sadly only by name.
I find it more than amazing that these vociferous critiques of U.S. foreign policy continue to pay taxes to a government (Republican, Democrat or otherwise) that they label duplicitous and criminal regarding the Armenian Question. Do they actually believe they will EVER attain justice in the halls of Washington DC? Even an individual like Harout Sassounian who had for years beat the drum for greater lobbying efforts in a futile wish to get Washington to look favorably on Armenian issues, now seems to have come to his senses and seen the light. You can put a gun to the heads of U.S. State Dept officials. They will never change their tune; especially in terms of Armenian land demands. Please stop wasting valuable time and money on a wild goose chase. Start focusing your energies on Armenia; before it's too late.
Yervant, I agree with some of what you say. However, lobbying in Washington and assisting Armenia are not mutually exclusive.
Jirayr, while you are free to do as you please, the first is a dead-end, the second less so.

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