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Sara Petrosyan

Halidzor Mayor Suckers Villagers Into Taking Out Loans on His Behalf

Lately, Halidzor Village Mayor Samvel Asryan has been hiding from his constituents.

Asryan has unplugged his phone and doesn’t even show up for work. He’ll only answer the calls of the Syunik regional Governor.

It seems that Asryan and his wife Gayaneh somehow convinced nine village residents to each take out a $1,000 loan from the ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank and to transfer the money to the. Asryan was supposed to pay back the loans but he hasn’t.

Since he hasn’t paid back the ACBA loan or one he took out personally from the Safe International Universal Credit Organization, the courts have decided to freeze their assets.

On May 14, 2007, Samvel Asryan took out a 700,000 AMD loan from Safe International. He put up ten head of domesticated animals valued at 1.2 million as collateral.

Asryan was obligated to have paid the loan back by mid-2009. Six months later, after failing to do so, the bank took the matter to court. The court, in turn, decided to seize 830,585AMD in cash in favour of Safe International.

A few months later, on October 25, 2007, the mayor and his wife took out a 1.5 million AMD loan from ACBA. They used a building on a piece of Halidzor land they owned as collateral for the 546 day loan. The building was appraised at 4 million AMD. They didn’t pay back the full amount in time and on June 10, 2009 the bank took the case to court. The court decided to seize the building.

In 2007, Asryan got nine village residents involved in his credit history as well. On December 13, the nine villagers each took out a loan for $1,000 from ACBA. The contract stipulated that if one of the nine didn’t pay the loan back, the others would have to assume the remaining debt obligation.

On March 19, 2009, three months after the payback deadline, the bank sued the nine residents and demanded that the court seize their assets. None of the defendants ever participated in the court investigation.

The villagers only realized what was happening when their property was put up for auction and one of their houses was sold. The panicked villagers went to Regional Governor Souren Khachatryan for help. According to our information, Khachatryan assured them that their homes were safe.

Some of the villagers told us that the Regional Governor even promised them financial assistance in order to buy back their property sold at auction.

According to the website of the Compulsory Enforcement Service (Auction Unit), two pieces of real estate have been removed from the auction block and that the auctioning of three houses was later halted. Some of the villagers said that this was due to the personal intervention of Regional Governor Khachatryan.

The villagers have no idea what Asryan used the 6.5 million AMD in loans for. They say he hasn’t purchased any property or opened any business that they know of.

All they can say is that Asryan likes to party big time.

Comments (2)

Sa vor Halidzorn e - Gorisi mot te Kapani ???
please .you should give a list of all the crooks in glorious armenia government .dont break your head .only the one that you remember..even better the one that you think are NOT.

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