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Mahmoud Abbas in Baku – “Your land is also occupied”

On June 28, during a visit to Azerbaijan, Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is reported to have said, “"You and we have common problems. Your land is also occupied. We both have refugees.”

Trend, an Azerbaijani news site, also reports that Abbas is to have said that the Palestinian side has followed the Kazan meeting on Karabakh,

“We observed the position of Russia, France and the U.S. in addressing this problem," he said. "This is evidence to the world’s interest towards the problem. But, we say that it is better to solve these problems today than tomorrow. Because, no one can guarantee that they will be resolved tomorrow. We hope that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, refugee problem had been resolved. We do not require anything extra of the international law. We have common problems. We want them to be resolved. We hope that peace established on these lands and the world's people lived in peace and tranquility,"

Comments (2)

Russian Daddy
Armenia must vote with Russia. Not against or neutral.
Grish Begian
And I will be very surprised if Armenia vote in favor of Palestine in UN....politics come from head not from heart!!

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