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Criminal Case for Attempting to Vote Instead of Another Person at 09/17 Pilling Station Sent to Court

The prosecutor implementing prosecutorial supervision confirmed the bill of indictment on the criminal case initiated against E. Yepremyan for attempting to vote instead of another person in the precinct N 09/17.

According to the factual data obtained during the pre-trial proceeding E. Yepremyan, being a voter of the precinct 08, on the day of Elders' elections of Yerevan – May 5, after voting in his precinct had gone to the precinct N 09/17 and attempted to vote again which was prevented by the members of the commission.

On the base of the obtained evidence on the criminal case initiated in Yerevan Central Investigation Division of Investigation Department of General Investigation Department of RA Police adjunct to government E. Yepremyan was accused according to the Article 34-153 of RA Criminal Code.

Prosecutor General's Office reports that the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the Court of First Instance of the administrative districts Kentron and Norq-Marash.

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