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Armenian Election Woes in India: Millions in Assets at Stake

By Anonymous*

On November 10, 2013, Armenian community of Kolkata (Calcutta) assembled to elect a new committee tasked with managing community assets running into the millions of dollars. Elections are held every four years. Allegations of vote rigging and thug tactics voiced by some in the community have marred this recent election. What follows are the views of one community member.

The local Armenians of Kolkata are today facing their biggest nightmare and challenge in the history of Armenians in India.

Simply stated – it is to protect and preserve their Indian Armenian identity and their fundamental right to bequeath their legacy to future generations.

Election fraud in the Armenian community isn’t new. It began due to a few unworthy scrupulous and greedy so-called Armenians who have elected themselves to positions of power by using unjust and inappropriate means.

All this stems from their overwhelming desire to stay in power for ever and to make money by fraudulent means.

What the self-elected Committee has done in order to win the recent election has included getting four clergymen and four Armenians from Armenia to cast a vote in their favor. In return, the foreigners would receive in due course of time a handsome kickback.  

One may rightly ask - what was the reason for inviting these clerics six months prior to the November 10 election date.

Why have four clergymen voted for the first time in the history of the AGM (Annual General Meeting)?

Does this indicate that these clerics are paving way for the next 4 yearly elections, where they will bring 7 more clerics, and vote to oust even members of the present committee?

This is the very same committee that manages the multi-million dollar assets of the Indian-Armenian community.

It would be a dark day indeed and a 500 hundred year Indian-Armenian old legacy would be vanquished forever!

One might ask what four clerics are doing in India, where only 200 Armenians remain.

Why aren’t they in places where there are 40,000 Armenians and no priests – Syria, Ethiopia and elsewhere - where there is a need for holy men to save wandering souls?

These clerics are archimandrites and bishops. Such a situation leads one to speculate as to their hidden agenda.

There is also the question as to what these four clerics and four so-called teachers from Armenia know about the affairs of the Indian Armenians. 

I am sure they don’t know the Indian culture or even how to hail a cab or read and write in English. Do they college degrees in management?

Why are they casting their votes in an Indian Armenian community election? They should not be involved in any way whatsoever! They are in India as clergymen and teachers. They are not here as Committee members or wardens or chairman of a committee that deals with Indian government regarding the management of Indian-Armenian community trusts, properties and assets.

There are petitions being made by some Indian Armenians in the courts, accusing the present committee of unfair elections and heavy-handedness. The accusations range from fraud to obstruction of justice, from autocracy to bank account discrepancies.

It is fair to ask why only defrocked clerics are sent to India. Is it because they are on the road to repentance or do they have a hidden agenda?

The existential problem lies with the present committee which is paying huge amounts of money as salaries and gifts to gain their support.

What exactly are the clerics doing in return for such luxurious salaries? While a cleric in Armenia on average receives, say, $100 a month, in India they receive $2000 to $3000, including benefits. All the while, many Indian-Armenians are deprived of the basic necessities.

The Girls School has been closed for 5 years now, and all the thirty girls are staying at the boys’ hostel. Does the school administrator intend to sell the girls school, which is a trust property? What about the safety of the young girls surrounded by celibate clerics and young teenage boys?

The destiny of the future of the Indian Armenians lies in the hands of a few who will have to keep on fighting till justice is served.

Indian -Armenians are trying to reach out to fellow Armenians all over the globe for support in this grave situation.

Hopefully, the situation in India will not end like the closing of Melkonian Institute in Cyprus or selling off the assets of the Armenian community in Addis Ababa.

According to a few Armenians, who wish to remain anonymous, describe the situation – “We are powerless to raise our voices. We are afraid that our pension and allowances with be cut if we speak out against the community wardens.”  

One other elderly community member asks:  “Who will defend us if we speak out. The wardens will stop my children’s education scholarship payments if we say anything or support the people who are trying to fight for the right cause. All we can ask is that all Armenians are listening and will act to rectify the mistakes.”

This would be an opportune time for Catholicos Karekin II to explain the reason for sending four clerics to India.

We have no choice but to amend the present election scheme and return it top its original form, so that the assets and properties don’t leave the country.

One should keep in mind that the present self-elected committee is elected for their allegiance and not their virtues.

The self-elected committees are: Mickael Dutta, Suzane Ruben, Sunil Sobtee, Robert Wilkins, Peter Hyrapet, Vatche Tadvosyan and Sevil Manukyan.

* - The author’s name has been changed.  The author writes: “I am recipient of charity and speaking out against the current committee could jeopardize my financial assistance and put my well being in danger.”


Photo: www.armdiasporamuseum.com 

Comments (22)

Adam Nersesian
Corruption still continues ............. Recently I have come to hear from sources that Sophie Arakiel an Armenian who lived in Catchik Chater Home died. She had lacs of Ruppees in her closet that was robbed..... who has robbed the money is a mystery......her spirits will haunt those who rob her money that she saved for so many years. Is the Caretaker of St. Gregorys Church involved as under his tenure so many members of the Homes have died. Or is the Church Committee involved with this theft...????.Proper investigation should be done and Sophie's money should be distributed for the upkeep of her grave and distributed to the poor Armenians.
How & why did Mr Poladian, the principal of Armenian college die in Armenia ?? this was when Armenia was still a communist country under the Russians, can any one unveil the truth ???
What is the fight for ?? there are no more Armenians left in Calcutta or India, just a few half Armenians who can't even speak one word of Armenian, but remember all assets of the church belongs to the Armenians of Iran, they were the first Armenians who came to India some 300 years ago, but very soon Ejmeacin will swallow all the assets of the church, its a matter of time.
What kind of hooliganism is this.....shame on you, Calcutta, that your culture is being eroded by a select few who are taking the law in their hands it would appear....this needs the authorities to look into this immediately, before more damage is done....
I should inform you that I'm aware of the activities of the college, and all that is false information that people want to spread and damage Armenians. They have a vivid imagination that invents a stupid lie .
Այս բոլորին ետին կանգնած է նոյն ապարանցի աւազակապետը, որ բոլորր անբարոյ միջոցներով որոշած է իւրացնել գաղութին հարստութիւնը, ճիշդ ինչպէս կը փորձէ ընել այլ գաղութներու մէջ ևս:
I agree with Armen with sending reporter from hetq.am or any other reporters to visit India for a detail analysis of the events that have unfolded/ unfolding. I am to believe reading articles that the Armenian trust have surplus money give a lot of donation even to non Armenian organisations . I am sure the committee would welcome reporters to go to India. There seems to be a lot at stake and this has to be resolved with dialogues and proper interventions. I hope his HH II takes steps to ensure and have a just resolution for the future of the Indian Armenians! Let this not be a mocking and another shameful chapter for the Armenian diaspora!
Hrant at Hetq
As evidenced by the large number of comments that the article has attracted, might I suggest that those familiar with the FACTS on the ground contribute to the discussion by writing an article for Hetq. We do not have the resources ($$$) to go and investigate ourselves. But this issue should be kept in the public eye. I would encourage those with greater factual information to write to me at: [email protected]
All assets of Armenians, in India & Calcutta was the contribution of Armenians from Iran, everything was FINE BUT NOT PERFECT before the responsibility of the school & the church was handed over to EJMIACIN, we Armenians from Iran have kept all belongings of the Armenians for 300 years safely, then please tell me who is responsible & who is to be blamed for all this corruption going on ????? & why ????? who is demolishing the 300 years history of Armenians ??? we MUST & SHOULD keep the assets & the history for other generations & not just destroy everything.
We should never allow the already privileged clergymen to hijack the assets of the Indian Armenians. There participation should be limited by all means in any financial or administration affairs. It will only tarnish the clergymen's moral and spiritual proclamations . It is every Armenians right to express their out range in the ways the clergymen are ruining the image of Holy men. The embezzling and siphoning has to stop things can't continue this way forever. I see no logic about why these clergymen should be involved in an affairs that does not and should not involve them. I could only hope that the day is soon where things will get back to normal and the Armenian people will once again have faith in Holy men!
Vay vay vay viky jan…es ench lur a…they are robing all the money there too….I remember I was in school and there was sukias and arsham and other arratoon where they now! some friend say here viky jan u was commitee member what happen they throw and hit from back you…they not Armenian also what happen dgs? we love that school please see it no close oh how girls stay in boys school ok by vicy jan fb me i talk more bye
Karen Mkrtchyan
Unfortunately everybody will read this and nobody will care. That's the way we Armenians like to be. And of course H.H won't care about this either. Unless H.H pulls his hands back from the money of the Indian Armenians, nothing will change. All he cares about is the money- not the local Armenians, not the students, not the Armenian heritage. If this has to continue, we might as well get ready to write the concluding chapter of Moses J. Seth's Armenians in India. One can only hope that Echmiadzin does not capture the assets of the local church, for that will surely be the last nail on the coffin of the Indian Armenians. By the way- a very good question. Why the hell are there so many men -in black priests in Kolkata when there are very few who are allowed to consider themselves Armenian? The current committe should be ashamed of themselves.
The corruption is in our Armenian heads. Every Armenian should root up that corruption, start respecting the law (!) not the clergy and be self-sufficient. I do not believe in freaking god, but I do believe in cultural heritage that needs to be preserved.
What we need here is getting the Armenians of India their rights back. In my view no foreigners who are not of Indian Armenian origin should be allowed to cast their votes in an AGM that is for the Indian Armenians. I am not sure what provisions the scheme has but there should be a general consensus of the community. The scheme should have some provisions where an election if found null and void has to have a re-elections. They might have to get an order passed through court for such provision.
You are right Karen! there are many who will just read and do nothing. The Armenian community needs fellow Armenians to raise their voice. So much is already being published in the media on the Clerymen and nothing has been done. All the big so-called writers and people in power has let this happen. Something has to be done before every Armenian looses hope in the clergy and look else where for faith, support and just normal healthy relation for their souls. The Melkonians too suffered a lot till the end and still do….we lacked support from the fellow Armenians, I hope the safe faith does not continue! check out the many voices of the Melkonians www.melkoniannew.com.org, mekonianalumni list. I urge you not to give up and keep fighting…don't let the Girls school close down and get back your Armenian boys school as well and govern it by your own people.
Alec khosrovyan
Comment...Thanks to the Indian Armenian benefactors the church became very wealthy, and because most of the armenians in Calcutta were low educated and worse with no vision and dedication they paved the road for a new hoard from Soviet Armenia. The Armenian celerics from Armenia have struck jackpot.
The real face of the church is being revealed everywhere; in France, Canada, Armenia, India, and who knows where next. the institution of the church is dead.
Thanks for your kind words Armen. If only we had the funds to send a reporter to India to investigate.
Hetq.it is encouraging to see you publish such crucial article. Good to know some media outlets are ready to publish issue of concern. It is time for all the Armenians to sign a petition and move it across to remove the clergymen out of the committee. The Clergy must be a solely religious institution not an institution that lays hands on the affairs that does not concern them. Why doesn't the other media or one of the Hetq. reporters visit India for a more insightful investigative story since the issue is of the future of Armenians I think it would be fitting that correspondents visit the country and get a more detail account for everyone to know what the real issue is.
New Julfa
Almost is it the same critical situation with Millions in Assets of Armenian community in Iran!
Interesting article to read of such proportion Words fail to express my thoughts on this article. If this is all true then what are they doing about it? Something needs to be done to solve this issue. All that is written in the article is very disturbing I' sure the community needs attention.

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