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Khachatryan’s Films at Kish Festival

Two films by acclaimed Armenian filmmaker Harutyun Khachatryan will be screened at the 1st Kish International Festival to be held in Iran from April 24-28.

The films to be screened are the “The Border” and “The Poet’s Return”.

The festival, organized by the Centre for Free and Special Economic Zones and Iran’s Ministry of Culture, is to be held on the island of Kish, an economic free zone itself.

Close to 150 films from over 33 countries will be screened at the festival.

Amir Esfandiari, Director of the Farabi Cinema Foundation, which is handling the international section of the festival, said: “The focus of this festival is to improve the links between the countries involved.

The total prize money for the International Cinema Competition amounts to 70,000 Euros.

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