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Mаry Mamyan

Armenia's Brain Gain: Educated in Europe, Marta Sees Her Future in Armenia

In Marta Sandoyan's opinion, if students are made into researchers, then www.kursayin.am and other websites offering similar services to students would shut down. 

In 2008, Marta obtained an undergraduate degree in international economy from the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University then moved to Vienna to study diplomacy. In 2010, she graduated from the International University of Vienna with a Master of Arts in Diplomatic and Strategic Studies, then moved to London on a scholarship from Luys Foundation, graduating from the University College London with a Master of Arts in Human Rights one year later, in 2011. Marta currently works with the National Centre for Legislative Regulation while teaching at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University.

Learning Well in Armenia Depends on the Lecturer

As someone who had educational experience abroad and in Armenia, along with teaching experience in Armenia, it was interesting to find out what Marta sees as the main gaps in Armenia's educational sector. She says there are many problems, but the main problem is the lack of an educational system. According to her, a student learning well in Armenia depends on the lecturer. If it's a good lecturer, he or she will give the student materials and vision; otherwise, a student's educational experience could be unsuccessful. The second problem Marta points out is the lack of autonomy in universities. In her opinion, leading universities are so autonomous that the state cannot influence their management and learning process. 

"Meanwhile the system in Armenia today is the system operating in Russia: a centralized system in which universities are completely subject to the Ministry of Education and Science," she says.

Marta teaches a module on Research Methods. She says students produce good ideas, but often they can't provide the scientific rationale for them, to argue their point of view. 

"What's important is not what you specialize in in a leading university, but how you are taught to become a researcher," says the young teacher. According to her, plagiarism is widespread among students not because students don't have advanced thinking and a creative approach, but because they are not taught how to use, develop, and enhance that thinking. 

"If students are made into researchers, www.kursayin.am and such websites would close," she's convinced.

Key Problem in Armenia From Legal Perspective is Uninformed Citizenry

After studying economy, Marta worked as an intern at international agencies, conducting research in the area of human rights. She is convinced that the recent rise of civic activism in Armenia is due to freedom of information, which the internet has provided. In Marta's opinion, one of the biggest problems in Armenia from a legal perspective is an uninformed public.

"This is the fault of not society, but state agencies, which have not developed proper programs and policies to provide more free information to its citizens," she says.

She recalls an example from her own experience: while conducting research in London, she contacted a British and an Armenian agency (both performing similar functions) for information. The British agency provided her with expansive, complete information, while the agency from Armenia informed her that she needs to make a formal request. Marta believes that this lack of information in Armenian society contributes to a high risk of corruption.

"Much depends on the mentality, which will gradually change. People lived for 70 years in a country where they did everything they could to bypass formal processes, using informal connections. And corruption is not only giving money, but also resolving this issue of informal relations: nepotism, gratuities, and so on," she says. 

Breaking the Stereotype that "Maybe Armenia Doesn't Need Your Education"

Marta had wanted to live and study in a multicultural environment for some time: it was a rich experience for her, as during that time she learned to respect and accept people who are different from her. Marta confesses that living in Armenia, she developed several stereotypes that were broken over time.

"You realize that your [religion, culture, ethnicity] is not the best, but it's also not the worst," she says. "In the end, all people are the same and want the same thing: to be happy and to love."

Marta wouldn't be opposed to working in a European city for a few years, but during her years of studying abroad, she "never learned not to long [for home]." In addition, no longer true for her is the stereotype that "perhaps Armenia doesn't need your education; rather, connections are important." She was surprised that after completing her studies, when she applied for work in Armenia and several European cities, she received the fastest response from Armenia. 

"Yerevan's my home; I see myself working only in Yerevan. But the biggest gap in Yerevan is that it's not diverse," she says. "I hope Yerevan one day will become a more diverse city; I don't see a problem in this at all. It will make the small country bigger."

Speaking about her future plans, Marta says she wants to continue teaching, more so since she's still learning, adding, however, that she and her young friends "teach for pleasure, since the salary is quite low." At the same time, she wants to broaden her professional circle, conducting research in the area of informal corruption. 

Photo from Marta Sandoyan's personal collection.

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