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Susanna Shahnazaryan

The Gruesome Side of Goris: Human Organs Found in Local Dump

The main garbage dump in Goris lies just a kilometre or two from the town.

It was here, two months ago, that a local resident came across a bunch of plastic bags scattered around with different names marked on them. Puzzled by what he found, he started asking neighbours if they had any clues.

It was then that a youngster recounted what had taken place a few days before. It seems that a pack of dogs were seen battling over a similar bag. Their shrieks and cries attracted spectators who watched the frenzied scene.

When it was over, they noticed that one of the ripped bags contained what looked like human remains; organs to be more precise.

After hearing the grisly story, our local resident realized that the human offal was from the town morgue and was brought to the dump by garbage trucks.

He and some other residents immediately called the Goris sanitary unit.

Rafik Mkrtchyan says that for the next few days parents kept their kids indoors. They wanted assurances that human body parts were no longer winding up in the local dump nearby.

Mr. Mkrtchyan, who lives not far from the dump, complained that the site to close to the neighbourhood and that residents have to put up with the burning stench of garbage throughout the day.

The other side of the problem is that the Goris morgue is sub-standard and in need of immediate renovation.

Last year the World Bank allocated $2.5 million to help renovate the Goris Medical Center. A 1,000 square meter annex was built to house the diagnostic, surgery and maternity wards and other services.

Medical Center Director Slavik Amiryan says the project was a turning point in terms of local health care. The Bank has already agreed to invest 300 million AMD towards the construction of a morgue that meets all modern standards.

Director Amiryan told me that the municipality must now allocate land for construction.

Goris Mayor Nelson Voskanyan says that last November the City Council assigned a plot of land in the Arevashat neighbourhood for the morgue and that they wrote to the national government so that the land could receive a zoning change.

They have yet to receive an answer.

Moushegh Kostandyan, who works at the Syunik Regional Administration, says that the zoning issue will soon be resolved.

Presently, dissections and post mortems continue to be conducted on the ground floor of the polyclinic's former annex. The main door opens onto a busy street and the window is generally kept open.

Pedestrians walking by can stop and take a peek at the proceedings inside if they feel so inclined.

Residents in a neighboring apartment block also have an unobstructed view into the morgue

Garnik Mirzoyan, head of the Medical Center's Diagnostic Department and a former morgue critic, now seems pleased that a private contractor has been hired to transport bodies and body parts.

He says that the morgue conducts an average of 16-18 dissections each month and that the private transport service has led to a decrease of dissections in the home, especially in outlying rural communities.

Now, morgue refuse is buried in a pit some 100 meters from the Goris Medical Center.

Residents living near the garbage dump decided to block the road if human remains continued to be transported there.

One of the nurses at the Medical Center told me that she can no longer watch from the window when one of her colleagues carries a bucket of human waste to the pit outside.

Goris residents wait for answers to these pressing problems.

In the meantime, the Armenian government has declared Goris to be a regional tourism center.

Are scattered body parts and tourism mutually exclusive?

Comments (7)

Varaz Syuni mersi es kardacel em ajd grqery,,, inchpes naev The POWER-y... Da duq imaceq, Vahagni mi qani kommentic kareli er ezrakacnel vor animast e nra het sharunakely.... tekuz 10 anunov gri,, kap chuni.. Vahagn-y hogin caxac 31 tarekan iran lav txu tex drac mi txaja,,, es ira het aseliq chunem, inqy im hamar tshnami e, davachan ajs azgin,,, ajs azgi nerqin davachannern u tshanimery amenavtangavornern en... Zguish exeq uxaki, u vor gaq el Hajastan petq ch ivor voreve meki het handipeq.... es vor chei handipi... es menak gisher cerek axotum em, ajs azgi prkutjuny ajs HRESHNERIC... menak da em axachum astcuc,, vor chlini te ajsqan darer prkvel enq boloric baic es erku taptpukneric chenq karalu prkvenq,, menak dra hamar em vaxenum.... ta astvac, tox herosner cnven,, amenur u shat.... es menak dra hamar petqa shut amusnanam.... vor incnci meky cnvi vor dranc hery anici... SHAN CNUNDNER, SHNAGAJLER!!!
Varaz Syuni - մուտիտներ մի արա ու մեղքիդ աստիճանը մի ծանրացրու: Կգա ժամանակը կիմանաս համ Բարոնին համ էլ ինձ:
Varaz Syuni (Amsterdam)
Hay_Axchik - gites vor Վահագն-y NAYEV Baron anvan tak e(r) comment grum. NUYN mardik en- yst HETQ-i commenti......... Վահագն/Baron/3?/4? - Հետք-ի աշխատողներից CHEM..........Isk du? KAJARANI CLANI աշխատողներից ես?
Եղածը սարսափելի ու անընդունելի բան է: Բայց մի բան էլ ասեմ, Վարազ Սյունի դու հաստատ Հետք-ի աշխատողներից ես. ստեղ ընդեղ թռնում բան ման ես գրում: Համ էլ Հայ-Աղջիկ` ընդամենը պրիվետ:
Varaz Syuni (Amsterdam), lriv hamacajn em cez het.... Amen inchi hamar menq inqners enq mexavor, mer joxovurdy... menq es orin enq vortev dran enq cgtum... lavin cgteinq lav ori klineinq. Es el em voroshel vor het kangnem, vortev im nman mtacoxner chkan, chem tesnum, bolory mtacum en menak iranc tvjal orva masin, u mijan irenc masin... isk es ho chem xelagarvelu? es 3 miliony kam 2 miliony petqa inqnadastirakutjamb zbaxven, maqrven, axr enqan baner ka,,, amen inch vata , edqany vonc anen??? Chgitem , es arden chem havatum vor estex mi lav ban klini,,, u arden chem handurjumm uxaki, ete araj karoxa daje kriv anei, bacatrei, kam boxoqei, hima da el chem uzum anem, vortev tesnum em animast e, orinak en vahagnin, karum eq mi ban hamozeq.... inqy iranna pndum.... inch asem, karoxa heto mi luis bacvi, baic hima amen inch vata. Estex mer harcna.. hishum eq vor es Njdehic mi mitq ei berel, vor mairern en irenc zavakneri mej hajreniqi handep jermutjun dnum, hima da chka.... Կան ժողովուրդներ, որոնք դեռ հեռու են անկախութեան եւ քաղաքակրթութեան բարիքները վայելելու բախտից, որովհետեւ կնոջ ազդեցութիւնը տկար է նրանց մէջ: Մի ժողովրդի բարքերը գովելի թէ պարսաւելի, կախում ունեն մայրերից: Մայրը, միշտ էլ, իր հոգուց մի բան տեղափոխում է իր զաւակների կրծքի տակ: «Ոչ իմաստասէրներ, ոչ էլ թագաւորներ օգնութեան կանչենք Հայրենիքին, այլ մայրական ազդեցութիւնը միայն»: Կը կասկածեմ այն մօր հայրենասիրութեան մասին, որի զաւակները հայրենասէր չեն: Կ՛ողբամ հայրենասիրութիւնը այն ընտանիքների, որոնք հոգեւոր Հայրենիքի մանրանկարը չեն: Գարեգին Նժդեհ Menq vatn enq darcel.... dra hamar el es orin enq.... ed bolor patgamavornerin el ete mi hat psht anenq cakery kmtnen,, bajc anox chka... bolory strukneri nman carajum en u henaran linum nranc.... mardik davachanum en irenc erexanerin u cnoxnerin,, el inch hajreniq? Tox neren inc bolorn el, baic es sksel em tenc mtacel. Njuty arden enqan en pashtum mardik, vor uranum en amen inch!`
neneth, es chem havatum :)
lav,isk erb enk kaxakakrtvelu?

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