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Haykush Aslanyan

The Mayor of Armavir Boasts, “No One Can Stand-Up Against Me”

The residents of Armavir state that their Mayor, Ruben Khlghatyan, treats the town like it was his own business. Resident Araik Mnatsakanyan says, “He treats the town like it was one of his properties.” Mr. Mnatsakanyan is one of the owners of the building located at 6 Hanrapetutyun Street. Years back four other individuals acquired property in this building and opened a variety of service agencies on the site.

One of the property owners, Vahram Kirakosyan, angrily states that when he was buying the building they’d reassure him that the 756 square meter parcel of land opposite the building wouldn’t be put up for sale as it was located in a “green zone” and was not permitted. “Believing that this land wouldn’t be used for construction purposes in the future, I purchased the building. Little did I know that Mayor Khlghatyan intended to sell the land to a buyer wishing to build on it. What sense is there to open a business here if the building’s exposure is to be cut off?” asked Mr. Kirakosyan who was taken for a loop when he heard of the land auction. By law the sale of this particular parcel of land by auction was not allowed. Of the 2,900 square meters of property registered at 6 Hanrapetutyun Street, the 756 sq. meter parcel was envisaged for restrictive usage according to Article 60 of the ROA Land Statutes, namely to be used solely as “green space” and various communications purposes.

According to Araik Mnatsakanyan, another of the building’s owners, the decision of the Community Council takes precedence over that of the government. “He declared the government decision to be null and void and at a Council session decided to parcel out community lands amongst his close circle of friends.” Mr. Mnatsakanyan also took part in the auction and leased 90 square meters of space at the above location. “I’ve maintained the green zone status of the place and improved it by planting trees and other plants to replace those destroyed.” he stated. The others lease holders, Melik Baghdasaryan, the Deputy Mayor (who is also the Mayor’s sister’s son) and Furman Hakobyan, a Deputy Department Head at the Armavir Property Registry, are preparing to construct a commercial center on the site.

Mayor Ruben Khlghatyan didn’t argue the fact that property restricted under Article 60 was nevertheless sold off. “There was an auction which was publicized. People came and some of their bids won out. The land was leased off for 25 year periods.” In his estimation, “Article 60 as yet doesn’t signify that construction isn’t allowed. We will build there.” According to the Mayor, a temporary pavilion will be built on the leased land.” Mr. Araik Mnatsakanyan countered that, “What temporary pavilion are they talking about? Armavir is full of such ‘temporary edifices.” Mr. Mnatsakanyan has also petitioned the Mayor not to build at #6 Hanrapetutyun Street and was dumbstruck by the Mayor’s response stating that, “It’s my personal right to do so and nobody can do a thing about it.”

The heated relations between the property owners and the Mayor finally reached a boiling point and round the clock fist fights broke at the building site out between supporters of the Mayor, including his nephews, and Mr. Mnatsakanyan. “He has it in his head that he’s the lord of Armavir and that we residents are his servants. If that’s the case, fine, he evidently suffers from a Napoleonic complex. But if he tries to convince residents of Armavir that he’s the local Napoleon, that dangerous. I believe that Khlghatyan is all powerful and that he can’t be fooled with.” says Mr. Mnatsakanyan. To protect his property rights he’s knocked on many doors and has received threatening phone calls from blocked numbers in response. “They threaten me and say I’ll wind up like the Village Mayors of Nalbandyan and Norapat” (Let us remind readers that the Mayors of these villages were shot dead and their killers have yet to be found).

Getting back to the illegal sale of Armavir land we should note those 2,000 square meters of playground land belonging to the kindergarten boarding school was sold to another relative of Mayor Ruben Khlghatyan to construct a commercial center which is now open for business. Sadly, the kindergarten children have been left without a place to play in. Lands next to the schools and in the “green zone” are now so full of unattractive and rambling kiosks and pavilions that the town reminds one of a large ramshackle market bazaar.

Circumventing the ROA law regarding “State Purchases” the Mayor is engaged in business transactions under the guise of the "Legenda" company that he owns by renovating and doing other repair work on multiple residential dwellings. The Ministry of Urban Development has been following the violations taking place in Armavir and has conducted an investigation of the matter, documenting evidence of official misconduct, including the above-mentioned incidents.

The Investigative Department of the Armavir Police has initiated a criminal case against Ruben Khlghatyan based on provisions of Article 308 of the ROA Criminal Code. It also can’t be ruled out that snap elections will be held in Armavir as well. It would appear that the criminal case against Khlghatyan should bring his illegal activities and ignominious career to a logical end. To avoid such a dishonorable fate the only alternative left to the Mayor would be to hand in his resignation.

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