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Armen Davtyan

Meghri Medical Facility Protest Postponed; Highway Shut-Down Averted

Plans by local Meghri residents to block-off a portion of Yerevan-Meghri highway, to protest the scheduled consolidation of the Meghri Medical Center and Agarak Hospital into a new Meghri Regional Medical Center were put on hold today. It appears that as a result of the meeting yesterday of the Meghri Municipal Council, the mayor declared that the issues was being resolved and urged protestors to adopt a wait and see attitude. . Nvard Khachatryan, one of the protest organizers and a family doctor at the Meghri Medical Center told "Hetq" that once the Center’s building is sold, no hospital will be built in the town. Mrs. Khachatryan, who is President of the "Heath and Wellbeing" NGO also stated that the Regional Governor had informed the national government of the concerns shared by residents. The doctor also stated that protest group, six of whose ten members are on the Meghri Municipal Council, didn’t want to politicize the situation and thus thought it best to wait and see what transpired. She concluded by promising a resumption of the protest if their concerns are neglected.

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