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Inga Martinyan

Sick and Tired: Residents Say Noxious Fumes from “Technique Plus” a Health Hazard

14_12-shenkThere’s a stamp and die press operating on the first floor of a residential building in the center of Yerevan. Residents in the building have been complaining for years about the noxious fumes emanating from the facility. However, since it belongs to the daughter of former RoA President Robert Kocharyan, they have been leery of filing any type of official complaint. Residents claim that during the course of the work day the fumes get so bad that they have trouble breathing. “Supposedly, a 50 meter exhaust pipe was installed, but I have my doubts. Something’s seriously amiss. The stench is unbearable. You can’t even sleep. There are 73 apartments in the building, it’s an intolerable situation. I’ve had heart surgery and goiter. When the stench gets out I start feeling sick to my stomach. Once, I had to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital. They gave me an intravenous. It affects all of us. There are also four “kebab” joints, and a gas station. I keep telling people that we should get a petition going and lodge a complaint but they shy away because the place belongs to the Kocharyan family. What can we do?” says building resident Robert Sargsyan “Technique Plus”, the stamp and die manufacturer is located on the 13th floor of 5 Yervant Kochar Street. A few months back, building residents filed a complaint with Transparency International, an anti-corruption NGO, arguing that the stamp facility was endangering their health. “At first, when we got a whiff of the stench, we figured they were burning tires or that it was some kids up to no good. Then stench is around all the time, even at four in the morning. The place operates round the clock; non-stop. When a wind kicks up it gets even worse. We’ve gone down there numerous times but the director always seems to be out. After our complaining, they came and added another one meter to the exhaust pipe. They say the pipe is regularly cleaned out, but the stink always returns,” says another building resident who wishes to remain anonymous. Transparency International got in touch with the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiologic Surveillance over at the Ministry of Health and an investigation was supposedly conducted into the matter. The Transparency Intl. representative didn’t participate in the study. The organization questioned the validity of the investigation and demanded that another one be conducted. Again, the organization’s representative wasn’t allowed to take part. The Hygiene Department argued that another investigation wasn’t warranted. The NGO’s rep wasn’t permitted during the third investigation as well. The Hygiene Department finally relented to allow a building resident to participate on the fourth go-round. “Technique Plus” Executive Director Davit Mantashyan stated that, “Transparency Intl. has no business poking its nose around here. I don’t mess around in their affairs now do I? I live in my country and will continue to manufacture since I know for a fact that I’m not breaking any laws.” Testing done by the Kentron and Nork-Marash District Office of the Ministry’s Department of Hygiene showed no sign of toxicity emanating from the “Technique Plus” facility. “That facility not only manufactures stamps but also various moulds. The investigation took place when only the stamps were being produced, not the moulds. It’s very possible that the stench derives from the moulds,” states “Transparency International” attorney Khachik Haroutunyan. He wasn’t allowed to take part in the testing. “They have no work schedule. They work at night but the curtains are closed. For them, we’re a nobody and they feel that they don’t have to ask our opinion. My blood pressure goes through the roof from that odor,” says building resident Vladimir Zakaryan. “The license to manufacture both official and non-official stamps was granted to “Technique Plus” in 2003. Executive Director Mantashyan said that stamps have been produced at the same location since 1992. “No toxic fumes emanate from the site. A laser is used to cut engravings on the rubber. The rubber dust that results is propelled out. The whole world uses this process. Just because there is a stench doesn’t automatically mean that any laws are being broken. If some people are complaining it means that they’re mentally unstable or suffer some other psychological disorders. Perhaps they have some ulterior, personal motives. I can’t explain it any other way. So now, what exactly do they want? Fine, they’ve gone and complained. The experts came, tested and recorded the results,” notes the director. Hakob Sanasaryan, President of the Green Union of Armenia, says that the facility uses plastic going by the name “A,B,C” and that it contains vinyl cyanide, styrolene and benzene. “These compounds affect the upper respiratory tract and cause irritation of the eye ducts. Other symptoms include general fatigue, nausea, coughing and heightened blood pressure. These chemicals have a definite odor. The rubber powder is quite dangerous and is a known carcinogen,” Mr. Sanasaryan stated. “The Environmental Testing” SNOC told us that “Technique Plus” had not yet contacted them to arrange for an analysis. “Technique Plus” Director Mantashyan didn’t deny the fact the firm hadn’t conducted any scientific testing nor had it sought the permission of building residents. Neither had the location’s zoning been modified. “There is no law on the books that requires me to get prior consent from the residents. The first floor of this building was never occupied by residential tenants nor was it registered as such. I obtained the rights to this location as a non-residential site, so there was no need to get a zoning variance. I’ve never seen the need to undergo environmental testing. Thus, the place has never been tested,” says Director Mantashyan. “Transparency International” has dispatched a letter to the Minister of Nature Protection, requesting that he personally intercede with Prime Minister Sargsyan to order testing and a halt to the facility’s manufacturing operations.

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