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Armen Davtyan

Heavy Rains Force Kapan Residents to Buy Bottled Water

For the second day in a row, residents of the southern Armenian town of Kapan have been forced to buy their drinking water in bottles. Water flowing from residential taps is dark brownish in color. This is a recurring problem with the advent of heavy spring rains and melting snow run-off that gets into the water supply. This year, temperatures have warmed earlier than usual and the Gyard and Adjabadj springs, the major Kapan water sources, have been affected. Heavier than normal flows have disrupted normal operations at the local Geghva filtering station.

Chief Engineer Leonard Sargsyan, with the Kapan brach of Armenia Water and Sewage, says that such incidents happen all the time and that six years ago water supply had to be cut off for three days. Water officials claim that the water can be used for washing purposes but that it should be boiled for drinking only in extreme cases of need. Lena Malintsyan, the region’s chief virologist, stated that the situation was being closely monitored and that water samples are now being examined. "We’ve taken samples from the springs and faucets. If we feel there is a need to shut down the water system we will. Right now, I see no need to do so," she said.

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