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Over 23,000 Sign Petition to Save Cinema Moscow Summer Theater

According to organizers of a citizens’ initiative to save the Cinema Moskva Summer Auditorium, in downtown Yerevan, in the course of a week some 23,400 people signed a petition to be handed to the government in protest to plans by the Armenian Apostolic Church to raze the site and build a church. The St. Peter and Paul Church once stood on the grounds but was razed by the Soviet authorities in the 1930’s. The initiative itself now boasts over 5,500 members who have staged a variety of public actions to raise awareness of the issue. They argue that the amphitheatre should not be razed as it has architectural value and cultural significance. Members say that are now waiting to see if the government will return the amphitheatre to a list of sites in Yerevan to be preserved. Members say once this step has been taken, discussions can begin regarding improvements to the amphitheatre.  

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